Player controls are working, tried to create the first person view by setting up the camera as child game object it didn’t work, and even after deleteing the camera from the scene there is still a camera so where is that camera coming from and can can we modify it
By It's not coming you mean it’s not being used / visible?
You can add a query parameter debugcam to your url to get a log for all cameras in the scene
Is the prefab active in the hierarchy? When is the camera/prefab being loaded? If you want the camera to be enabled automatically when it becomes active set the tag to MainCamera in Unity
my camera was not tagged as main camera, but when there is more than one player in multiplayer, then if local rotating player rotates camera, it rotates camera for other players not for local player. do i need to request ownership in Camera Componet too?
this worked but now there is wird issue that if teh Player id idle for a long time and then start’s interacting with it again, the system creates a new instance of local player and that way there are two players in the scene for one user. how to fix this