So you cannot use this.context.mainCamera
from this object because it’s not a needle engine component - I guess you added the “Camera” parameter to the constructor - where do you call the constructor?
export class MyFlyControlsComponent extends Behaviour {
awake() {
this.controls = new MyFlyControls(this.gameObject, this.context.domElement, this.context.mainCamera);
^ the code could look like this if you want to create a new instance of this FlyControls type
So I have to do another script file?
by user 883276031048441917
If you want to attach the FlyControls from within Unity then you need to create a component class that extends Behaviour
- yes
Needle Engine Scripting | Needle Engine Documentation - please have a look at the docs for scripting
I already read it
by user 883276031048441917
by user 883276031048441917