Rotations with TWEEN.js and Needle

Iā€™m creating positions in 3D space at witch I want a camera to be positioned, and decided to use Tween.js for interpolating between the current camera position and the target position.
But now I want to also use the target Ā“s rotation.

I tried something like this:

this._rotationTween = new Tween(this.gameObject.quaternion);
            this._rotationTween?.to(newView.quaternion, 1000).start();

And also this:

this._rotationTween = new Tween(this.gameObject.quaternion);
            this._rotationTween?.to(newView.quaternion, 1000).start().onUpdate((e, elapsed) => {
                this.gameObject.quaternion.set(e.x, e.y, e.z, e.w);

The same technique i applied to positions, but when it comes to rotations, it just looks like it never properly updates. Can somebody tell me what Iā€™m doing wrong?
PD: I tried the same with this.gameObject.rotation but the same behaviour happens

Original Post on Discord

by user 368204675922657280

Additional notes: The objects that Iā€™m using are simply Emptyies in Unity.
I get a reference to those via:

    viewPositions : GameObject[] = [];

by user 368204675922657280

this works: Needle Engine Tweenjs Example (forked) - StackBlitz

the reason is: quaternions x y z w in three are properties: three.js/src/math/Quaternion.js at b447ff2911cbefcd650df5a18a905e7df882fc78 Ā· mrdoob/three.js Ā· GitHub

and tweenjs needs x y z w as keys in the input object to know what to animate

It kinda works, the tween part at least. Now question is, when it gets executed, I can se that the camera rotates down until it ends looking down the opposite way, I tried by inverting the target quaternion, but it doesnā€™t affect the result.

by user 368204675922657280

Current code looks like this:

            this._rotationTween = new Tween(this.gameObject.rotation);
            const targetRotation = newView.transform.getWorldQuaternion(new Quaternion()).invert();
            this._rotationTween?.to({x: targetRotation.x, y:targetRotation.y, z:targetRotation.z, w:targetRotation.w}, 1000).start();

PD: I was testing if using getWorldQuaterion() would make any difference.

by user 368204675922657280

Try with the getWorldQuaternion util method that needle engine has maybe.

Im not sure i understand what happens tho (rotating how? Can you show a video?)

Iā€™m back :gentleblob:
@marcel :cactus: the thing its the next:
My idea is to mark certain locations inside Unity Editor by using empty objects (sometimes I want both position and rotation) so that I can loop between those, ā€œextractā€ both properties and assign it to whatever I need at that moment (in this case is the camera, but it doesnā€™t have to be always).

Notes: Iā€™m attaching two images, in this scene I have 2 buttons (the ones with numbers) that triggers a function which does exactly what I said above, the only problem is that the camera appears to look at the ā€œreverseā€.
Also important to note, I know that I can use the lookAt component, but Iā€™m trying to avoid it on purpose, since as I said, it doesnā€™t have to be the camera all the times, Iā€™m just using it to orient the forward vector of the empties towards a certain target inside Unity (thus the name of the objects inside the hierarchy in the first image).

Hereā€™s the video to show exactly what is happening:


by user 368204675922657280

Hi! its me again with an update.
I Succeeded in fixing the thing, but I wanted to share my story for the case it happends to someone.
So the thing is: If you use the ā€œstandart methodā€ directly on the camera object, weird things can happen (I disabled other components such as orbitControls.ts to be sure).

const newView = this.viewPositions[id];
const sourceRotation = this.gameObject.quaternion.clone();
const targetRotation = newView.transform.quaternion.clone();
this._rotationTween = new Tween(sourceRotation);
  .to({x: targetRotation.x, y: targetRotation.y, z: targetRotation.z, w: targetRotation.w}, 1000)
  .onUpdate((updatedQuat, progress) => {
    this.gameObject.quaternion.slerp(updatedQuat, progress);

In this example, ā€œviewPositionsā€ is an array which inside unity would have references to empty objects, from witch I pretend to source their transformations (positions, and local rotation).

While fooling around trying things, at one point the interpolation distorted the render itself, at witch a lamp in my head turned on. I thought at that moment: What would happen if, instead of adding the component to the same object where the camera component is, I add it to an empty object which would serve as the parent to the ā€˜cameraā€™ object?
And boom it worked just as intended!

If someone can explain to me why is it like that I would really love it!
So thatā€™s all :gentleblob:

by user 368204675922657280

donā€™t know if iā€™m missing something but the example mixes Eulers (new Tween(this.gameObject.rotation)) and Quaternions (const anotherRotation = new Quaternion()...) so the tweened values do not make sense.

by user 395602247196737546

as far as i can see @De copied this in his snippets.

by user 395602247196737546

hereā€™s one with using Eulers: Needle Engine Tweenjs Example (forked) - StackBlitz
(beware the Eulerā€™sche limitations apply)

by user 395602247196737546

good catch!

and here with proper quaternion slerping: Needle Engine Tweenjs Example (forked) - StackBlitz

by user 395602247196737546

Thank you so much! yourā€™e a hero
Yes I noticed the thing about the mixing between Eulers and Quaternions, but Iā€™ll try this tomorrow, directly on the camera and iā€™ll be back with a follow up!

by user 368204675922657280

happy to help, it was a nice exercise for a tweenjs noob like myself :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 395602247196737546

@marcel :cactus: btw why do you guys use rotation in Euler form? kind of easy to trip over for unity devs :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 395602247196737546

Where do we? Typically we use quaternion. Three just exposes both ā€œrotationā€ and ā€œquaternionā€ which means that unfortunately itā€™s easy to confuse coming from Unity

I think it was my example from above which mixed rotation and quaternions :sweat_smile: