Releases & Changelogs

Needle Engine 4.1.0 beta.5

Needle Engine

  • Fix: Physics issue with mesh colliders where colliders were sometimes created with the wrong size depending on the users network speed. This was due to the change of lazily loading the physics engine in Needle Engine 4.
  • Fix: Add workaround for a regression in the particle system where PBR materials would sometimes render with a wrong texture. Issue
  • Fix: ParticleSystem gradients set to Random Color
  • Fix: import WebGLNodes to ensure nodes actually run
  • Change: Physics engine addMeshCollider scale argument is now optional and treated as scale applied to the objectโ€™s world scale when creating the collider.

:dart: Download Unity Plugin :package: Install from NPM
:octopus: Changelog on Github :bookmark_tabs: Needle Engine API
:bulb: Get started :sparkles: Samples

Needle Engine Samples 0.20.0 preview

  • Add: GalleryPoi now saves the last activated POI in a query parameter
  • Update Car Physics and particles samples
  • Update Needle Engine dependency

:dart: Download Unity Plugin :package: Install from NPM
:octopus: Changelog on Github :bookmark_tabs: Needle Engine API
:bulb: Get started :sparkles: Samples

Needle Engine 4.1.0 beta.6

Needle Engine

  • Fix: issue with parseSync for loading a glTF file is a file path

Unity Integration

  • Fix: handle npx issue where incomplete installations prevent the license server from running
  • Update samples dependency

:dart: Download Unity Plugin :package: Install from NPM
:octopus: Changelog on Github :bookmark_tabs: Needle Engine API
:bulb: Get started :sparkles: Samples

Needle Engine 4.1.0 beta.7

Unity Integration

  • Fix: further checks for npx cache issue, tested with slow internet connections on WIN and OSX

:dart: Download Unity Plugin :package: Install from NPM
:octopus: Changelog on Github :bookmark_tabs: Needle Engine API
:bulb: Get started :sparkles: Samples