by user 691445074055397447
I think it’s a bug where the avatar gets removed when youre not connected to a networked room - you can try adding a SyncedRoom to your scene?
The avatar should also be loaded from a prefab - It might not work with the setup you have right now (i havent tested that yet with the avatar already being in the scene in the XRRig - the system will take care of placing the avatar in the currently active XRRig)
I’ve added a SyncedRoom, and now its working. Thank you very much !
by user 691445074055397447
It’ll work offline in the next version too btw
ok ok perfect thank you !
by user 691445074055397447
Please try again in alpha 16 - you should be able to remove the synced room component again.
i remove the synced room , and it work ! Thank you !
by user 691445074055397447