I’m trying to separate two layer on my scene, the main layer where is all of my objects, and another one which I use to display a “second screen” of an example.
The goal is that cam (which is displayed on quad), and this.listOfMouth[“original”] are on the same layer, which is not the main layer (layer 0).
For it I console.log it and the layer mask is different but I don’t know why, it doesn’t work :
The two directional lights are used in my scene.
After that I used an object like it :
const specialLayer = 1;
Layer 1 => Mask 2 so normally it works
But nothing is displayed if I do that
It’s displayed only if I use cameraComponent.cullingMask = 1;
Which is the default cullingMask
Sorry if I mislead you earlier - the culling mask is actually the mask value and not the layer you want it to render (it holds exactly this information but in a bit mask, basically what in threejs is stored in layers.mask)