Put a comment with //@type UnityEngine.SceneManager above the field. https://engine.needle.tools/docs/controlling-component-generation
like this?
//@type UnityEngine.SceneManager
private sceneManager: SceneManager
Didnt seem to work. Also, that link doesnt work for me
by user 352282921056468993
Above @serializable i think
Oh strange, on second
hmm thought this would work, but didnt:
// @type UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager
private sceneManager: SceneManager
by user 352282921056468993
Oh did i misunderstand? Undefined in the browser or unity?
Is what you need too of the scene manager is a component that you made
ive never seen SceneManager used as a field, so maybe that’s related. It’s always used as SceneManager.LoadScene(“scenename”) - in c# at least
by user 352282921056468993
undefined in browser
by user 352282921056468993
Did you make a class named scene manager?
Otherwise what we have is a SceneSwitcher
Ok sorry then i misunderstood you earlier, i thought you didnt get the correct field in the Unity component generated
I didnt make a class no. Is it correct that you can use any C# unity import (like SceneManager) as long as you use this format? i may misunderstand that.
So if i look at code for a non-needle project - any of the stuff being imported can be used in a TS needle script, as long as the format you gave is used?
by user 352282921056468993
We dont export C# code so you cant import unity c# classes like that and use them in the browser - it only exports their data! Sorry if this was misleading
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