I have some UI I suspect is being affected by a skybox or the exported sprites are not being exported as sRGB colourspace. Is there any way to make the UI unlit to be sure?
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Hey Can you try changing the tonemapping method to
in the ToneMappingEffect component?
I need the tonemapping on for the 3d scene materials to look correct
You can disable tonemapping per object:
Can you please disable tonemapping first to identify if it is indeed effecting the UI?
Confirmed it is tonemapping, I will make a script to disable it for my UI objects and share it back
I’m actually struggling to get the material of the canvas gameobjects like it is a rect transform image on a worldspace canvas that I can’t get the material of. Usually for a mesh I would do this but I can’t get the mainMaterial of the mesh from a canvas image gameobject:
this.meshTarget = this.gameObject as unknown as Mesh;
this.mainMaterial = this.meshTarget.material as THREE.MeshStandardMaterial;
Is there any example of how to get the material of an image on a canvas to change the .toneMapped value?
Hi, you need to iterate the shadowComponent
hierarchy of the canvas. This is a property on each Canvas/Image/Text component
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