How to export Gaussian Splats?

I’ve tried to export a Gaussian Splat file created with GitHub - aras-p/UnityGaussianSplatting: Toy Gaussian Splatting visualization in Unity Unity tool to the web. It resulted in a 360-like very pixelated version of the splat. Is there any documentation how to best export the splat to a .gltf on the web? My goal is to view the spat in VR.

Original Post on Discord

by user 836986713422823506

Hey, the bridge from that Unity plug-in to the web is currently work-in-progress on our end.

super interesting! using an existing renderer?

by user 395602247196737546

Same approach as always, contribute bits and pieces left and right to the ongoing open-source efforts and put the glue that binds everything together into Needle Engine :smile:

Hey @krizzl0r @Vizel , first version of our Gaussian Splatting integration has shipped and can now be played with:

Next steps would be proper integration with visual preview in Unity, but this is already a nice foundation so we wanted to put it into people’s hands already.