worries about this question. Because methods like
this.context.input.mousePosition and this.context.input.mousePositionRC are not suitable. I want to know the location of the cursor on the Unity side, but it gives me on the side of the web application itself
Original Post on Discord
by user 1101049107931480066
and how it works addDragEventListener ?
by user 1101049107931480066
what do we have at the entrance?
by user 1101049107931480066
addDragEventListener(SelectStart, …
What should be written next?
I need to move the object, that is, to calculate the delta
by user 1101049107931480066
oops instead of SelectStart with “selectstart”
by user 1101049107931480066
found an example
but here the canvas is on the html itself
how can i do it for needle
by user 1101049107931480066
July 9, 2023, 12:00am
There’s no “on the Unity side” - with Needle Engine you build a website (which you setup in Unity)
July 9, 2023, 12:00am
What exactly are you trying to do? Isnt that the same topic as here? Discord