Hi, I´ve already asked this but I lost the post.
Could you give an example of how to use the decorator @syncfield() if I want to achieve that all the players, who are in the same SyncedRoom , can modify one (and share) one data array (like a boolean, string or object array), with “modify” I refer to change the elements of the array and that change can be “see” for the other players.
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To share an array across all players in the same SyncedRoom where they can modify the contents, and have those changes reflected to the other players, you can use the @syncfield() decorator. This decorator synchronizes the field’s value across the network for all players in the same SyncedRoom.
Here’s an example using a string array, but the same concept applies to boolean or object arrays:
import { Behaviour, syncfield } from '@needle-tools/engine';
import { SyncedRoom } from '@needle-tools/engine/components/networking/SyncedRoom';
export class SharedArrayComponent extends Behaviour {
public sharedData: string[] = [];
private syncedRoom: SyncedRoom;
awake() {
this.syncedRoom = this.getComponent(SyncedRoom);
start() {
if (!this.syncedRoom) {
console.error('SyncedRoom component not found on the GameObject.');
// Additional setup if needed.
modifyArray(index: number, newValue: string) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.sharedData.length) {
console.error('Index out of bounds.');
// Modify the shared array.
this.sharedData[index] = newValue;
// Notify the SyncedRoom to synchronize the change.
To add a new element, you would call .push() on the array and then call .notifyChange() on the SyncedRoom. To remove an element, you can use array functions like .splice() and then call .notifyChange(). Remember that every time you modify the shared array, you need to call .notifyChange() on the SyncedRoom component to update all clients in the room with the new array state.
Please ensure that the SyncedRoom component is properly set up in your project to use network synchronization as intended.
1 messages leftGPT 4 thread_SZ6JFogl6sygOMxH50iSe2Kw Thanks for your feedback!
The .notifyChnage method from SyncedRoom seems to no exits. Could you explain me what does it suppose to do and how can I implement it considering the example of SharedArrayComponent ?
I apologize for the confusion. In Needle Engine, the method to synchronize changes within a SyncedRoom is actually .markDirty() instead of .notifyChange(). This method marks the component as dirty, which then triggers the synchronization to all other clients in the room. Here’s how you could use it:
modifyArray(index: number, newValue: string) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.sharedData.length) {
console.error('Index out of bounds.');
// Modify the shared array.
this.sharedData[index] = newValue;
// Mark the sharedData field as dirty, triggering synchronization.
this.syncedRoom.markDirty(this, 'sharedData');
After modifying the shared array, you use .markDirty(this, 'sharedData') to inform the SyncedRoom to update the array for all clients in the room.
This will ensure that changes to the shared array are propagated to all players in the SyncedRoom.
0 messages leftGPT 3.5 thread_SZ6JFogl6sygOMxH50iSe2Kw Thanks for your feedback!
Hi Hoping you doing well, I ask for help with a networking question.
I have a class which has a @syncField (an array) and I want that the players in the same room can modify this array. I have tried the example of the documentation but nothing happened.
This is my testing class which is attached to a NetworkingTesting gameObject:
I want to trigger addNewSharedElement method from outside that class and change the array for all the players but when I logg it , it seems that it can only be changed locally. How can I share the array with all the players ? Srry if I continue asking about this decorator
Pushing a new value is not enough if its an array or an object because the syncfield doesnt watch all entries or fields in an object or array (it would be too complicated and computationally intensive if reassigning the field is enough - and more explicit)
ReassignNetworkValue shouldnt be called from the onchange event btw - the argumemt in the syncField(…) Is a method that is called after it has changed!!!