I think that’s because you add the existing object to the one you create at runtime - attach adds “this.gameObject” as a child to “newGameObject” (newGameObject/this.gameObject
vs this.gameObject/newGameObject
by user 285903863339548673
Occasionally I still have problems with objects not being instantiate despite the recommended changes.
Restarting unity and the browser will fix things - can you explain why? Is it do with how AssetReferences are cached?
by user 285903863339548673
Restarting Unity/browser shouldnt change anything / can not explain why it would. There’s no caching - the only thing we check is if the GLB already exists in your export and if yes and the prefab or scene has changed in Unity
What kind of problems do you have? If you have a scene where the issue reproduces please report a bug with that!