Debugloadingbarrendering URL parameter not working?

I’m working on a custom loading screen and was very excited to discover this feature in the docs - but it’s not working even after upgrading to 3.11.5

Original Post on Discord

by user 300386587278049291

Related question: I found the loading percentage in the progress callback’s 2nd parameter under: detail.totalProgress01

Is this the proper way to get the loading progress?

by user 300386587278049291

It’s debugloadingrendering now. Sorry need to update the docs. Funny that you mention it now because i thought about it earlier today :slightly_smiling_face:

haha great minds think alike!

by user 300386587278049291

I actually switched to a custom loader using preventDefault in the loadstart callback

by user 300386587278049291

still curious if I’m getting progress the right way as outlined above

by user 300386587278049291

Yes it should be

ok thanks. I ask because it feels like there are more things happening after it gets to 100%. Even if I use the addContextCreatedCallback it feels like it fires early.

by user 300386587278049291

That might be the time it takes from finishing loading and rendering the first frame/finishing the scene?

is there a callback for after all that? it needs a good second or two before my “start” button is clickable

by user 300386587278049291

actually i’m generating 800k blades of grass…maybe thats it :laughing:

by user 300386587278049291

hmm actually that finished before loaded

by user 300386587278049291

One thing to keep in mind is that by default on the local server we generate a poster after startup. Feels like that has gotten slower, looks like sometimes it’s blocking for 0.5-2s which is definitely too long

Yes I think that’s it :+1:t2:

by user 300386587278049291

You can disable automatic poster generation in the vite config in the meantime:

ok excellent, great tip! How do you get such fancy screenshots?

by user 300386587278049291

See the readme here :slightly_smiling_face: droplets/Images at master · needle-tools/droplets · GitHub