Can I connect a Bluetooth controller to use to Navigate around in VR?

Whatever version was out by 14th October

by user 392979063620501504

Blender 0.31.1

by user 392979063620501504

Sorry, I regularly update from blender whenever a new patch is released but last version I want to go back to is 0.31.1

by user 392979063620501504

So currently, I at the lastest patch - I tried reinstalling programs just in case but no luck

by user 392979063620501504

Update: I created a new WebXR scene from scratch and the problem still arises

by user 392979063620501504

When I restart the blender file, I can see the components again but looks like when I simply click create component, they disappear… Also to note, The chatgpt code I wrote shows up in the dropdown menu once I save it but the code that Kipash sent (needle-engine-samples/package/Runtime/Sidescroller/Needle.Sidescroller~/SidescrollerCharacter.ts at main · needle-tools/needle-engine-samples · GitHub) doesn’t show when I simply add it so not sure what’s up there?

by user 392979063620501504

I can’t verify the codes from here ig :cry:

by user 392979063620501504

You can find all available versions here:

Yes, thanks youuu!

by user 392979063620501504

I’ll run a trial and update u guys

by user 392979063620501504

Hey, good news! in version, 0.31.1 the bug doesn’t happen and I am able to make and use components like before

by user 392979063620501504

Only thing is that Sidescroll git code I mentioned above still doesn’t appear in the drop down of Add component after saving the code on VSCode (works for the one I generated from Chatgpt tho)

by user 392979063620501504

Could you guys please help me write a proper component to enable navigation around a scene using a gamepad controller when the weekend ends? :pray: \

by user 392979063620501504

I have tried some experiments but no success so far

by user 392979063620501504

Also are the UI based components exposed to the blender version? Otherwise I think I will just create elements in Figma and apply pngs as texture to planes :thinking:

by user 392979063620501504

Hey guys, any word on this? :point_up:

by user 392979063620501504

I’m just looking at this. Please take into account that our day/week here just started :slightly_smiling_face:

This is causingg the issue in the SidescrollerCharacter where the blender panel generator produces an invalid json file:

The next version will catch this error at least so that not all components fail and show an error message when it happens

Okay, so it was this piece of code in particular that was causing the issue overall?

by user 392979063620501504