Camera Position Not Updating Correctly After Panning – Values Not Applied Properly

Currently, what I’m trying to do is have an orbit control camera and a target in the source or main scene. The child scenes contain an inactive non-orbit camera with predefined position and rotation values.
Once a child scene is loaded, I update the main scene’s orbit camera by passing the inactivated camera from the child scene as a parameter.

setBaseCameraPosition(cam: Camera) {
    if (!this.baseCamera) return;
    const baseCamOrbitControl = GameObject.getComponent(this.baseCamera.gameObject, OrbitControls);
    if (baseCamOrbitControl) {
      baseCamOrbitControl?.setLookTargetPosition(this.goTarget, 1);
      baseCamOrbitControl?.setCameraTargetPosition(cam.gameObject, 1);

Now that I understand that camera rotation cannot be set directly using Vec3 values, I’m considering a different approach where the main scene does not contain a camera, but the child scenes each have their own orbit controls camera. Instead of moving the target to reset the camera, since objects in the child scenes depend on its position, I’m thinking about reloading the scene. Would reloading the scene be a valid way to reset the camera in this case?