Blender Geometry nodes in Needle Engine?

If you could run “`which node` -v” in a terminal and post the exact output here that would be great


by user 237048588109217794

I also downgrade Blender to 3.6.7 LTS. It’s still slow and stuck when I am navigating to Needle Panel.

by user 237048588109217794

which makes me not able to click the debug report.

by user 237048588109217794

From your video above it looks like something fails in our detection of which node version is installed and is trying over and over, which could explain the slowness – that’s a bug on our end. Thanks for the additional details, we’ll try to reproduce it here. I’ll keep you posted – sorry for the inconvenience!

how can I disabled the nodejs check from the python script( so that I can keep trying those blender needle addon features?

by user 237048588109217794

@herbst🌵 Should I update information here or raise up is there a bug report channel? I have some new findings.

by user 237048588109217794

If its separate to the geometry nodes question better make a new post - thanks!

I think we’ll have to make a new release to fix that issue, unless you want to dabble in the plugin python code yourself (?)

I’ve modified the python script to pass nodejs check. And found another issue.

When I select a project folder with a child folder inside, the generate project button won’t show up. Took me sometime to find the problem.

by user 237048588109217794

Yes, it needs to be an empty folder, which could be clearer I agree

Just to verify, by bypassing the nodejs check you don’t get the stalls anymore?

Yes. I manually mock the return value in, then it works.

by user 237048588109217794