Any example of setting up needle-engine with Nextjs?

Do you have an example of what happens / what breaks when its in the library? Sounds weird that the location matters. Maybe its just a next.js config setting? In anycase if a symlink would fix that it would be also fine I guess (without having to specify special paths in the config)

I’ll fix the buttoncolor declaration for the next update :slightly_smiling_face:

Next weekend is totally fine!

Super weird error :slightly_smiling_face:

Module parse failed: Unexpected token (6:14)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
| export class PresentationMode extends Behaviour {
>     toggleKey : KeyCode = KeyCode.KEY_P;
|     update(): void {

One more thing: We kept the needle-react project and next project seperated. So there’s a Needle folder inside our next project which contains the exported project. That most likely won’t work well for a template. I’m sure though that it’s possible to merge them, like we tried before. I need to dig a bit more into that, but as said time is a bit of my problem right now :slightly_smiling_face: I’ll let you know when I tried this

Concerning symlinks: That will break on windows machines though won’t it?

by user 827095900392259645

Symlinks: no i dont think so, node itself does link the packages via symlinks when referenced via file: paths - so it should work and I would just do it via the node methods (to just reuse their code) - been looking into this a while ago when I wanted to make single file symlinks (which isnt as easy unfortunately)

Whats the token at col 14? ^^ interesting error

It’s the toggleKey: KeyCode line. Pretty sure that’s just the symptom of something completely different :smile:

by user 827095900392259645

Ah misread it. I think it’s the : . My guess would be it somehow tries to interpret the typescript file as a javascript one.

by user 827095900392259645