but i still have the problem with the Math.random() used. Is there a way to get the correct unity function?
by user 945986115150696489
but i still have the problem with the Math.random() used. Is there a way to get the correct unity function?
by user 945986115150696489
Ah you mean because your default values aren’t correctly exported?
You can also use // @nonSerialized on those fields and outside the CODEGEN_END put their declarations manually
Like this:
// auto generated code - do not edit directly
#pragma warning disable
namespace Needle.Typescript.GeneratedComponents
public partial class FlockUnit : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
// ... all auto generated code
namespace Needle.Typescript.GeneratedComponents
public partial class FlockUnit : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
// The "velocity" field is marked as //@nonSerialized in TypeScript so it is not automatically added in the generated code above
public UnityEngine.Vector3 @velocity = new UnityEngine.Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f) * 2, UnityEngine.Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f) * 2, UnityEngine.Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f) * 2);